I Lost 200lbs But Felt Trapped In My Excess Skin | BRAND NEW ME

2020-01-13 7

AFTER a suicide attempt a 25-year-old woman has turned her life around by losing half of her body weight. Summer Stultz, from Virginia, has lost over 200lbs weighing from 410lbs to 195lbs. Summer had been suffering from weight issues since her childhood and believed she was "born to be fat". She told Barcroft TV: “What actually sparked my weight loss journey was getting to the lowest point of my life – feeling like no one understood me, no one understood what I was going through, no one could help me and I just felt completely alone. I realised I can't go back to living the same life that I was or this might happen again and seeing the look on my parents face in the hospital waking up it was just like an automatic switch.” Summer started a healthy diet and exercising which led her to lose over 200lbs but left her with a huge amount of loose skin which, according to her, was “very debilitating mentally.” The 25-year-old decided to go under the knife to get rid of the excess skin caused by the weight loss. Today Summer says she can finally feel her true self and has never felt more confident and proud of herself. Describing her life after the surgery, she said: “Every time that I walk outside and when I am in a public I just feel comfortable, I feel normal.” Summer added: “Starting out as the caterpillar at the very beginning of my journey, moving to the cocoon and finally breaking free, I feel like I'm finally the butterfly. I feel like I am finally Summer.”